By Doug Bolling
The people are here
And not.
They move among themselves
As companions in suffering
by Mary Crosby
At the headwaters I spring
into existence
rise like an idea
from the mountain’s mineral mind
by Jed Myers
The truck was driven by someone,
a component of the contraption,
a conscious part whose last action
behind the wheel would rock the whole zone...
by Jacqueline Jules
If I must admit to being small,
a tiny being, insignificant alone,
I can still claim to be a fire ant
who stings with toxic venom.
by Joe Andriano
Tweets and jibes don't speak the truth.
I taste his words, then spit them out
Like bitter pills or mushy fruit.
There will always be departure between us,
you, the mirage, a feral dog hunting
for water in the desert.
I, the patriarch of a horde of slaves
in search of a million masculinities.
by Rene Denfeld
What we do matters. We all have strengths to bring to the table. For some it might be art, for others protest, some of us go micro and others go big. There is no hierarchy when it comes to activism.
by Brent Terry
It was the year of weird food and devastation.
The dancehalls were torched, poets kicked apart,
verses left to bleed out in the bushes.
by Beth Couture & Renée E. D’Aoust
This isn't how it should be. And I'll fight for how it should be, for how it will one day be. Because there's no other choice. Right now I'm grieving, and I feel there's no other choice but that either. I'm so grateful you're with me in the fighting, in the grieving.
by Jess Burnquist
My love and I sing a dual song,
Three dits, three dahs, three dits
Into the space where sky and water meet
Or to one another in the brush, our cupped nest.
By Claiborne Rice
1. A flaming bag of poo <Pile of poo>
2. A barrel of radioactive waste <Radioactive sign>
3. A dumpster fire <Fire>
4. A syringe filled with Covid-19 and HIV <Syringe>
5. Any invading alien <Extraterrestrial alien>
6. Any hungry zombie <Man zombie>
7. Joe Biden <Zany face>